John Cook, a fellow at the Global Change Institute at the University of Queensland, Australia, in 2013 examined 11,944 abstracts of climate science reports published from 1991 to 2011. Two-thirds of the abstracts didn’t express any opinion about whether there was man-made global climate change. But among the 4,014 studies that did, 97.1 percent of them "endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming," the report says.  So, your 97% of scientists amounts to just about 3,880 scientists who probably already had a political agenda before they ever made their reports.

David Legates, former head of University of Delaware Center for Climatic Research, found only 41 papers of 11,944 abstracts in Cook’s study that endorsed what Cook claimed. That is 3/10ths of one percent of all 11,944, 1.0 percent of the 4,014 expressing an opinion, not 97.1 percent. Several scientists whose papers were included in Cook’s initial sample also protested that they had been misinterpreted. “Significant questions about anthropogenic influences on climate remain,” Legates concluded.

Ralph Keeling of Scripps Institution of Oceanography admits man made CO2 emissions reductions have not resulted in atmospheric CO2 being reduced.  If man made CO2 is indeed a problem, then how can this be?  His explanation is so ridiculous it is shameful.  Keeling states on the Scripps website that the reason is that nature only absorbs about half of the CO2 emissions.  Is he suggesting nature knows the difference between  CO2 emissions and CO2 already in the air?  Even someone having no science education at all can see that is bogus.

Total CO2 in the atmosphere 2.3 trillion tons.

Billions of tons per year

Absorbed by or released from oceans


Land plant photosynthesis or animal respiration


Man made emissions


 Carbon dioxide, CO2, is not pollution; it is a component of the air. The amount of CO2 in the air stays around 4 one hundredths of a percent, 0.04%.  Here is how it works according to Scientific American magazine. When CO2 concentration in the air goes down CO2 dissolved in the oceans is released.  When CO2 concentration in the air goes up the oceans absorb more CO2.  200 billion tons per year of CO2 exchange between the oceans and the air. All the time plants, trees and plankton are absorbing CO2 and animals are breathing out CO2.

So it is easy to see by anyone that the man made part of the CO2 in the air is a tiny sliver of the total CO2 and the CO2 part of the air is a tiny sliver of the whole atmosphere.  The preceding assessment is called a myth in an article in Skeptical Science. Then it says, “Before the industrial revolution, the CO2 content in the air remained quite steady for thousands of years.”, which is an outright lie.  The real myth is their claim that absorption of CO2 by nature is constant and man made CO2 accumulates and will catastrophically increase the CO2 level in the air.  The facts show that the tiny smidgen by comparison of CO2 emissions by man is readily absorbed by the oceans and increased plant growth and that the atmospheric CO2 increase is actually the result of warmer temperature not the cause of it.


The above chart doesn’t even take into account water vapor which is actually responsible for over 94% of the greenhouse effect.  The thing is the entire atmosphere is greenhouse gases.  Water vapor is by far the most influential greenhouse gas.

According to Peixoto and Oort in Physics of Climate, the earth is naturally warmed to some extent due to the greenhouse effect by principally water vapor. The earth absorbs enough radiation from the sun to raise its temperature by ½ degree per day, but is theoretically capable of emitting sufficient heat to cool off 5 times this amount. Energy balance is maintained in part by absorption of the outgoing heat in the atmosphere, which causes warming.  In the absence of so-called greenhouse gases, the earth would be 33°C, 18°F, cooler, says Thomas and Stamnes in Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere and Ocean. Of greenhouse gases, water is by far the most important. Most sources place the contribution from water vapor between 90% and 95% of the warming effect.

When you present this information to the politically motivated unscientists, they can’t acknowledge it because it debunks their so-called scientific consensus. They just rattle of a bunch of scientific sounding incantations to try to intimidate you and make you think they’re smarter than you. The debate on the subject is closed they say; the science is settled and you’re just a denier they say.

The very same data used by the IPCC to back up their man made global warming claim, when examined closely, actually disproves their so called consensus of scientists. It is their own graph that shows undeniably that the temperature goes up before the CO2 level goes up which means it is not CO2 that causes the temperature change but it is the temperature change that drives the CO2 change.  Any attempt to effect climate change by anything man made is therefore futile.  People can’t save the planet.  We should be more concerned about saving ourselves from the planet.

Antarctic CO<sub>2</sub> vs temperatures graph